Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to increase Investment Returns?

How to increase Investment Returns?
There are few things more important that you can do with your money beyond investing it. 

Investing your money provides the opportunity to build your capital, preserve savings and ensure that future generations will enjoy the fruits of your hard work. 

Investing can also help grow the economy both locally and abroad. 

There are various schools of thought when it comes to financial investing. 

However, there are several basic tenets of financial investing that ring true no matter what investment strategies you favor.

Invest Without Emotion

  • One of the biggest mistakes an investor can make is investing with emotion. When emotions enter the investment equation rational thoughts tend to exit. People will often buy stock in a company because they love its products, but this emotion could blind them to the fact that the company has incompetent leadership and loses money. Emotion often causes investors to overlook investment risk and place inordinate emphasis on singular upside aspects of the investment. It is imperative that you extract emotion from any investment decision.

Observe Historical Trends

  • Philosopher George Santayana once wrote that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to fulfill it." Markets trends are cyclical, and anyone who fails to recognize this is likely to make the same investment mistakes of their predecessors. Familiarize yourself with the historical context of each investment opportunity and you'll likely glean valuable investment information. No one can predict the future, but if you if pay attention to history you can at least prepare for it and make wise investment choices.

Be Objective

  • Do not be swayed in your investment decisions by anything other than facts and accurate market data. Things are never usually as good as the investment bulls say they are, and they're never usually as bad as the bears claim they are. Keep an open mind to all investment opportunities no matter what your initial reaction may be, and don't pass on an any investment opportunities until you have enough information to form an educated opinion.


  • There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to investing. Information is the single most important element in investing, and the key to any successful investment is gathering as much knowledge as possible. With the advances being made in technology and an increasing number of information sources popping up every day, investors have never had it better. Financial information on companies, global markets and historical data is now available at an unprecedented level, and researching these resources can mean the difference between investment success and failure.


  • Investment failure is often caused by investors' putting all their eggs in one basket. In an increasingly integrated global market, it may seem as if all markets are somehow connected and rise and fall in unison. The truth is that is no one is going to have 100 percent success with their investment strategies and it's important to limit any potential losses by diversifying your investments. Find ways to hedge investment plays by spreading out your investments across different asset classes and balancing asset allocation.

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